Thursday, April 18, 2013


Welcome to our Web-Based Learning Systems "Communication and Collaboration Instruction for the Classroom" Discussion Board
Tips for Success
1) Print out all .pdf file directions to follow when you are working on your assignments.
2) If you have questions about navigating the website, refer to the "Help" link in the left column of your screen.
3) If you do not find the answer in the "Help" page, post your question to the Discussion Board. Your colleagues may know the answer to your question and/or may experience the same concerns, together you can work out the answer.
4) Be sure and save your work as you complete each step.
5) Use the "Blog" feature to ask Instructors questions.

Voice Thread

A great ice breaker for implementing technology in the classroom is Voice Thread. Students have the opportunity to record audio and/or video self introduction.

Try recording your own Voice Thread to share with your students Submit URL to Voice Thread and ask colleagues to review and provide feedback in WBLS Discussion Board.